The 20th anniversary was celebrated on July 7-9, 1928, with Pastor Otto Eklund and other ministers within the Alberta District of the Augustana Lutheran Synod, including Pastor Lundahl, Pastor Eriksson, Pastor Anton Nelson, and Pastor Gronberg.
The church council for 1928 included, Deacons – Paulus Mattson, Knut Nordfeldt and John Person. Trustees – Jonas Anderson, Andrew Olson, Hans Johnson, Axel Selin, Magnus Lindberg and Herman Selin. Secretary – John Person and Treasurer – Axel Selin.
The 40th anniversary was celebrated on August 13-15, 1948, with the following proceedings:
The Friday evening service was conducted by student Donald Johnson. On Saturday a.m., Pastor Otto Eklund of Meeting Creek conducted the service in the Swedish language. On Saturday p.m. the following program was presented: Vocal trio – Alphild Naslund, Joan and Marjorie Webster. Piano rendition by Sylvia Tveit. Vocal duet – Mrs. Arthur Eriksson and Mrs. Chester Grue. Reading by Alver Person. On Saturday evening, Pastor Eklund dedicated the piano, candelabra and the rug, in memory of the pioneer members. Vocal duet – Mrs. Stanley Selin and Mrs. Elfert Johnson. Another duet – Mrs. Seth Johansson and Mrs. Jonas Grundberg.
On Sunday a.m. Pastor Eklund conducted a baptismal service and Holy Communion. Vocal solo – Verner Johnson and a duet – Mrs. Chester Grue and Mrs. Arthur Eriksson. Sunday p.m. Pastor Eklund presided for the following program: Hymn by the Sunday school. A chorus in song was presented by the members who were present of the first confirmation class (1914) and the second class (1918), including Mrs. Jenny (Jonas) Grundberg, Mrs. Hildur (Walter) Selin, Mrs. Signe (J.A.) Linden, Mrs. Ellen (M.C.) Holdsworth, Mrs. Paulina (George) Webster, Mrs. Martha Lovisa (John) Olson, Walter Selin, Einar Lindberg and Herman Selin. Members of the 1928 class presented their confirmation hymn in Swedish. Taking part were Mrs. Blanche (Hans) Palm, Mrs. Ina (Egil) Lien, Mrs. Herminie (Arthur) Eriksson, Mrs. Irma (Oliver) Selin, Elfert Johnson, Leonard Swanlund, Stanley Selin and Roy Forsen. Accordion selection – Stanley Selin and Rudy Swanlund. Mr. John Erickson compiled and presented the historical sketch of the congregation. Greetings from the Ladies Aid by Mrs. Stanley Selin, Sunday School – Mrs. Chester Grue, Luther League – Mr. Herbert Carlstrom, Women’s Missionary Society – Mrs. Hans Palm. Greetings from the following pastors were read by J.U. Erickson; Edquist of Chicago, Swenson of Scandia, Tengbom of Calgary and Vikman of Edmonton. Pastor Eklund concluded with a commentary. The evening program was presented by the Luther League, Mrs. Chester Grue presiding: Vocal duet – Mrs. Verner Johnson and Miss Doreen Johnson. Quartette – Mrs. Arthur Ericksson, Mrs. Chester Grue, Rudy and Leonard Swanlund. Accordion selection – Stanley Selin and Rudy Swanlund. Topic of the evening by Pastor Eklund. Vocal solo – Mr. Axel Selin (82 years young). Student Donald Johnson conveyed greetings from the Swea Congregation and concluded the program with the Benediction.
The church council on the fortieth anniversary (1948) included: Deacons – Axel Selin, John Person and Elfert Johnson. Trustees – Erick Carlstrom, Hans (H.E.) Johnson, John (J.U.) Erickson, Hans Palm, Stanley Selin and Sixten Lindberg. Recording Secretary – John Person, Financial Secretary – Erick Carlstrom and Treasurer – Stanley Selin.
The 50th anniversary was celebrated on June 27-29, 1958, under the leadership of Pastor Robert Ek, with the theme, Fifty Years of Grace. “And from His fullness we have received grace upon grace.” John 1:16; Message by Pastor Otto Eklund, “Fifty Years of Grace to our Fathers”; message by Pastor Robert Pearson, “Fifty Years of Grace in the Word”; message by Professor Otto A. Olson, “Fifty Years of Grace in the Sacrament”; message by Pastor L. Floyd Lewis, “Fifty Years of Grace and My Response”.
The board of administration on the fiftieth anniversary year, 1958, consisted of the following members: Pastor Robert Ek, Deacons – Hampton Anderson, Emil Peterson, Albin Palm, Ernest Nordin, Ed Nordin and John U. Erickson. Trustees – Stanley Selin, Sidney Matson, Albin Person, Alhard Johnson, Reynold Nordin and Verner Johnson. Congregational secretary – Richard Pearson, Financial secretary – Algot Person, Treasurer – Reynold Nordin.
The 75th Anniversary celebration of the Wilhelmina Lutheran Church was held the weekend of June 11 and 12, 1983 and was attended by approximately 250 guests. Activities commenced with a service conducted by Rev. Wenzel Saturday June 11th. Former pastors of the church Rev. R. Jacobsen and Rev. Swedberg took part in the service and reminisced on the past. Rev. Vincent Erickson and Rev. Luther Erickson were also present. Bishop Sjoberg of Edmonton was the guest speaker.
The service was followed by fellowship and coffee. Slides were shown by John U. Erickson of Lethbridge, Alberta, a former resident, covering the history of Wilhelmina Church and the pioneers of the area.
Rev. Wenzel conducted the Sunday morning service including communion. Rev. R. Kemppainen delivered the sermon. The Swedish Consul, Lars G. Fahlstrom also addressed the gathering. Dinner was served outdoors after which Ed. Holdsworth emceed the afternoon program. Alver Person was the main Guest speaker. Herb Erickson, a former retired Pastor also spoke briefly. Special recognition was given confirmands from the past years. Of the 18 confirmands from the first class in 1914 only three remain alive. Present were Jenny Grundberg (Selin) of Camrose and Hildur Anderson (Selin) of Wainwright, Alberta. Carl Carlson of Vancouver, British Columbia was unable to be present. Derry Anderson was the most recent confirmand of the church. Greetings were read from former Pastors unable to attend. These included Rev and Mrs. D. Miller of Winnipeg, Rev and Mrs. R. Pearson of Edmonton and Rev. and Mrs. Robert Ek of Kenora, Ontario. A letter from the family of the late Hanny Collin of Donalda, Alberta was also read. Rev. Wenzel presented a special picture to the congregation.
Souvenir plates, designed by Michael Lee of Sherwood Park, Alberta picturing Wilhelmina Church, were used for special presentations. They were also sold as souveniers. A history booklet compiled by Alver and Algot Person, which updated the original 50th anniversary book written by John U. Erickson, was also available.
The Board of Administration on the Seventy-fifth Anniversary Year, 1983, included the following members: Pastor Dennis Wenzel, Council – Richard Knull, Algot Person, Richard Pearson, Ernest Nordin, Terry Nordin, Clarence Huebner, Robert Klappstein, Ed Holdsworth and David Holdsworth. Chairman – Ed Holdsworth, Congregational Secretary – Robert Klappstein and Treasurer – Muriel Holdsworth.
The 100th Anniversary was celebrated on July 19-20, 2008. The Church Council for the one-hundredth anniversary year was: Gordon Lien (chair), Sandy Olansky (secretary), Terry Nordin, Pat Selin, Richard Knull, Ed Holdsworth and Bob Klappstein.
Expectations correctly placed attendance for the 100th anniversary at about 500 people. Planning for such numbers entailed a lot of work and organization: committees were struck for invitations, food, worship programming, as well as parking, facilities, washrooms and so forth. In fact, all current active members of the congregation are on at least one committee for the anniversary! Glass mugs, etched with the church, were pre-ordered for those wishing to purchase one. Two paintings were commissioned (one by Glenda Beaver and the other by Jim Brager). A raffle for the paintings was held. The winner (Mildred Olson) received the Glenda Beaver painting, while the second painting was presented as a gift to our sister church in Sweden.
The congregation began raising money several years in advance and as a result were able to invite guests to a meal free of charge for the festivities. One major ongoing fundraiser has been the “Summerfest Concert” held in June – all three have featured Doug Ezeard as the central performer. He has done a fantastic job in entertaining and ministry, and all who have attended have been blessed by his message and music. We thank Gordon Lien for organizing this event – it would not have taken place without him recruiting and spearheading the show. We also gratefully acknowledge the Skandia Lodge #549, Vasa Order of America, who provided a sizable donation to the congregation to cover the costs of tent and equipment rental.
The 100th Anniversary Committee consisted of Bob Klappstein (chair), Marilyn Nordin (secretary), Ed Holdsworth, Liz Eliason, Maxine Hoogendoorn and Dan Johnson.
May we be grateful to our forefathers, who worked so hard under primitive conditions to leave us this blessed heritage, and our faithful pastors who struggled through snowbanks in winter and mudholes in summer, to bring us the word of God. The remains of many of these await the resurrection outside the walls of this church.
May the seeds sown here continue to grow and bear fruit.
– Ryan Nordin for the 90th Anniversary: June 28, 1998