Currently, our children’s program alternates between a junior and senior sunday school class held in conjunction with our regular service (from mid-September through mid-May). on the 1st and 3rd sunday of each month, the junior sunday school (kids age 3 to 12) meet during the sermon for stories and crafts. On the 2nd and 4th sunday of each month the senior sunday school (age 12+) meet to discuss one of the chosen readings for that week.
The children in our congregation are active participants in the service and assist with bell-ringing, offering collection and even lay reading. We place great value on kids and love having them with us.
Please be aware that children are allowed to partake in communion within our congregation. We hope that children participating in communion are baptized, but we will not turn a child away. If you do not wish your child(ren) to commune, please talk with your child(ren) beforehand so they are aware of your wishes, and that there will be other children at the service who do commune. Our pastor would be happy to talk with your family about the Lord’s Supper and to help children understand what is happening. An apple/grape juice is available for kids in place of wine. Any person may approach the communion rail with their hands crossed over their chest (as in the sign of love) to indicate they wish to recieve a blessing only.