
We believe marriage to be the life long union of one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6) to be held in honor by all and kept pure. It is a gift from God, in which couples make a deep commitment to one another before God for a life time of giving to one another.

Providing wedding services is not the primary service of the church (proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Saviour is!). None-the-less we are glad to assist couples saying their vows to one another in the presence of friends and family and, most importantly, before God. Wilhelmina is a beautiful location for a wedding. The building, however, seats no more than 100 people (and that’s a tight squeeze!).

Requests to use our facility for a wedding should be made to our pastor and church council chair. We prefer that couples receive pre-marital instruction before being married. The Pastor and congregation have the right to refuse any request where, for reasons of conscience, we feel that the marriage would be inexpedient, detrimental to the people involved, or contrary to the will of God.

Click here to download a copy of our wedding policy.